Johanna Kern
Johanna Kern lives in Toronto, Canada, with her husband Patrick Kern
Award-winning author, transformational teacher, film producer, screenwriter, director, and entrepreneur.
Following an unusual event that has turned her professional and personal life upside down, for many years now she has been counseling people regarding life and career paths, health and emotional problems, relationships and family issues, and spirituality.
In 1993 Johanna Kern started to regularly fall into spontaneous trances in which she found herself in an ancient temple, where she was receiving the Teachings Of Hope from an ancient Master. In those days there was no easy access to the Internet and there wasn’t enough information that she could find to help her understand what was happening with her. She was afraid. And yet – there seemed to be no other option than to embrace her destiny and step on the new path unfolding in front of her. It took a lot of courage and trust to take a leap from her everyday life, filled to the brim with plans and tasks, and to follow the calling.
This is how Iwona Majewska-Opielka, psychologist and author of many books, recalls her meeting with Johanna Kern in Toronto, and talks about her first book, Master and The Green-Eyed Hope:
“When Johanna told me about her unusual experiences during our initial meeting – I didn’t believe her at first. It was the mid-90s of the last century. No one spoke loudly in those days about alternative worlds. I observed her carefully, therefore, looking for any signs of mystification or disturbances of consciousness and perception. I couldn’t find any. And when I read her consistent, wise, and yet simple and intuitively true notes, I thought that such a young person without a degree in physics or philosophy could not create them. I felt in a similar way, when reading A Course in Miracles. I decided that Johanna’s knowledge must also come from a different source – higher and much wiser. Her first book is a beautiful encounter with her story written in a simple, captivating way. Let us not be fooled by this seemingly light form, and reach to the core of the teachings contained in it. We will find in them true wisdom and hope. There is also love, which emanates from the teachings and Johanna’s being. Getting to know her, you will simply love her. I am sure that Master and The Green-Eyed Hope will fascinate and transform the life of every reader.”
The Teachings of Hope, given to Johanna Kern in deep trances, paralleled her experiences of daily life, both personal and professional. They were designed in this way so that she could fully experience them, instead of acquiring the knowledge merely intellectually via her mind. They gave her answers to the most important questions occupying human minds for centuries, and a new look at all that we hold as sacred – ourselves, our origins, and our purpose:
From what is the meaning of our existence, to how to achieve true Happiness, Success, Power, Abundance, and Freedom from all limitations. From how our thoughts function in the field of energy that we all are a part of, to what is the meaning and nature of life, matter, spirit – and what really is the Wheel of Creation.
When in 2013 she finally published a recollection of her experiences and some of the lessons she received during her trances, and based on the journal she has kept throughout all the years (Master and The Green-Eyed Hope) – she wasn’t sure if she was doing the right thing. She had her professional filmmaking career going on and she was afraid that her unusual story might hurt it.
To her surprise, nothing like that happened. What’s more, her story got international attention, winning praise from readers in North America and Europe, receiving recognition at the New York and San Francisco international book festivals, and being endorsed by three world-renowned experts:
– Stanley Krippner, Ph.D, Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University; former President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, the Parapsychological Association and the Association for the Study of Dreams; a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, the American Psychological Society, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.
–Jerry Solfvin, Ph.D., Professor at Center for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; former Director of the graduate program in parapsychology at John. F. Kennedy University in California; Dr. Solfvin pursues research on the psi dimensions of expectancy and placebo effects.
–Brian Van der Horst, author, journalist, therapist, and management consultant; Chief Facilitator, Europe, for Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute; Van der Horst has been listed in “Who’s Who in the World” since 1994, and “Who’s Who” in America since 2007.
Although Johanna Kern’s story may seem to some like a “dream come true”, she had to pay a high price for what she learned. She was required to leave behind all that she loved and knew, and become an apprentice of the Master. The trances continued, and she had to go through several initiations over many years to get to the next levels of her apprenticeship in the sacred knowledge, and finally become Master.
When people from various walks of life started to appear on her path asking for advice, healing and guidance, it all seemed to happen in such a natural way, as if in some way they knew how to find her and knew that she could help.
Without revealing the source of her skills and knowledge, and while being a full-time filmmaker, she became a counselor, healer, and teacher. She believes that what she was given is a gift to all, not just for her.
Over a hundred of her articles have been published internationally in such magazines as “OMTimes”, “The Edge (Holistic) Magazine”, “Wisdom”, “Living Now”, “Conscious Shift” etc.
Her books and audio recordings are available worldwide in English, German, Polish and Russian languages, on Amazon and many of the most popular online retailers’ sites as well as her online Store.
Film Career
Johanna Kern is a filmmaker who is usually involved in all aspects of filmmaking: producing, writing and directing.
In the early days, she was a professional actress in Europe, and in 1989 moved to Toronto, Canada, to pursue her career in film and television. Kern is recognized for her artistic style and vision that captivates broad audiences, at the same time drawing exceptional professionals to her productions.
Johanna Kern has made a number of dramatic short films in the 1990s, including the critically acclaimed short Cherries for Brian (1997 Palm Springs International Film Festival, Raindance International Film Festival and Figueira da Foz International Film Festival- Portugal). Her other short films include All About Men (1996 Raindance International Film Festival and Cinewomen – Norwich International Film Festival), All About Women (1996) and The Portrait of a Man (1994). She also made a documentary about homelessness, titled Toronto: Second Society.
Her fantasy/mystery/adventure feature film, Shadowland: The Legend (2012) explores the topics of creating one’s destiny, and the ways of dealing with personal and global Shadows. The film is based on a stage production Frank, Big Baba and Forty Thieves, written, directed and produced by Johanna Kern, who later adapted the story for the screen, as well as directed and produced it under the After Rain Films banner. With its visual effects, and a large cast of hundreds of actors, young performers, professional martial artists and extras, the film became an unusually big production for an independent film in the fantasy / family genre.
Johanna Kern has also written seven feature film screenplays and worked as a producer/director on several television commercials and music videos. Additionally, she has produced, written and directed two musicals for the stage (with large casts of more than 250 actors), and founded Kid Stage, an acting school for young performers.
She was the Director of Programming for SpaceChannel.TV and DragonWorld.TV (owned by IPX Entertainment) and, as well as co-producing with IPX Entertainment a number of series for the channels.
She was also the founder and executive director of Fantasy Worldwide Film Festival (2005-2007) — reaching six million people all over the world in its first year, thanks to widespread media coverage from many popular television, radio and newspaper outlets. The festival held some of the first public screenings of such films as The Secret, Future by Design (featuring the visionary scientist Jacque Fresco), Whale Dreamers (a Julian Lennon production) and other significant works contributing to humanity and its evolution — in the genres of World Mythology, Mysticism, Magical Realism, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Legend & Archetype.
Johanna Kern holds an Honors Bachelor of Applied Arts/Film from Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Canada, and previously studied drama and fine arts in Europe.
Private life
Johanna Kern’s marriage to Patrick has quickly become an example of a relationship that is not only filled with Happiness and Love but also full of purpose – allowing both partners to grow and bloom in every sense of the word. The couple has been seen as remarkable among their circle of friends and acquaintances, and their loving, joyous and kind nature wins the hearts of strangers – wherever they go.
This is what Johanna Kern says about their relationship in an interview for Wellnessday.eu:
“We had known each other previously for many years through a circle of mutual friends, yet there wasn’t any romantic connection between us at all. I had never seen Patrick as a potential partner – since he is much younger, and I treasure maturity in people. But when we accidentally started to spend some time together, suddenly to my surprise, I discovered that this young man was very mature. Of course, it wasn’t enough to get me interested in him romantically. I was then convinced that I would remain single (after the first marriage). My life has always been filled to the brim, and it seemed to me that I already had everything that I needed: wonderful experiences, a lot of fantastic people that I was meeting on my way, an interesting lifestyle, and an enormous number of opportunities to be creative. I loved my life and didn’t think that anything was missing. Then suddenly…well, yes. Patrick did not give up. He brought into my life many different colors, making it even fuller.”
They were married on December 21, 2012, a date forecast by various people seeking sensationalism as “the end of the world”, and wrongly attributing this prophecy to the Mayans.
“Of course, there wasn’t any disaster ending the planet’s existence,” says Johanna. “But there is a great love, which Patrick and I continue to cherish and enjoy.”
H.O.P.E. Assn.
In 2013 Johanna and Patrick Kern established a non-profit organization, Humans Of Planet Earth ASSN. (H.O.P.E. ASSN.) – to support people in their growth, and help them to live the life they were meant to live: truly happy, healthy, meaningful, and fulfilled. The purpose of H.O.P.E. Assn. is to promote and provide social, economic, spiritual and educational welfare to humans through workshops, events, seminars, conferences, classes, art, books, audio/video recordings, film projects and festivals, exhibitions, fairs, and shows.
Writings and book awards
In 1999–2000 Johanna Kern wrote for “Kinema: A Journal for film and Audiovisual Media”. In 2013, the first edition of Johanna Kern’s autobiographical book, with a focus on spiritual and personal growth, titled Master and The Green-Eyed Hope, was published by Humans of Planet Earth Assn. (Third edition 2024)
Following the success of her biographical book, and observing the enthusiastic response of the readers to her writings and teachings, Johanna Kern has designed an easy step-by-step program to improve any life situation: a collection of MP3s, and the book 365 (+1) Affirmations to Supercharge Your Life.
In her next book, Master Teachings of HOPE – Volume 1, she shares the first installment of advanced level of the Master Teachings and shows you examples of how to practically implement this wisdom in your own experience.
Applying the tools of the ancient Masters as well as her experience in her relationship with her much younger husband and her -knowledge from over 20 years of counseling people on health and emotional problems, relationships, family issues, spirituality, life and career paths , Johanna Kern unveils the Secrets of Love for everyone to benefit from and enjoy: Secrets of Love: All You Need to Know to Have an Amazing Relationship.
In 2021 The Birth of A Soul was published – the continuation of Johanna Kern’s unusual story. The book documents her recollection of what she recently discovered about our Soul, destiny, our connection with God/The Highest Vibration, and what is available to us.
She is also the co-writer (with Roy Fitzsimmonds) of Shadowland: The Legend – a novel for young adults – based on her feature film, and also available worldwide.
Johanna Kern also co-wrote the main theme song for her feature film, Shadowland: The Legend – together with the renowned European composer, Romuald Lipko: Music by Romuald Lipko, Lyrics by Johanna Kern. The song was aired on over 30 radio stations across Canada, in late 2012, and is published by Indie Poll worldwide on iTunes.
Book awards
The Birth of a Soul – Runner-up at the 2021 San Francisco Book Festival (Spiritual/Inspirational)
The Birth of a Soul – Honorable Mention at the 2021 New York Book Festival (Spiritual/Inspirational)
365 (+1) Affirmations to Create A Great Life – Honorable Mention at 2018 Los Angeles Book Festival (General Non-Fiction)
Secrets of Love – Honorable Mention at the 2018 Los Angeles Book Festival (How-to)
Master and the Green-Eyed Hope – Honorable Mention at the 2013 San Francisco Book Festival (Spiritual/Inspirational)
Master and the Green-Eyed Hope – Honorable Mention at the 2013 New York Book Festival (Spiritual/Inspirational)
Shadowland: The Legend – Runner-up at the 2013 San Francisco Book Festival (Young Adults)
Shadowland: The Legend – Honorable Mention at the 2013 New York Book Festival (Young Adults)