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The Life You Want Is Yours – on-air with Johanna Kern

Archives: Shows from February & March 2016 (scroll down to listen)

Johanna Kern, award-winning author, film director, producer & screenwriter, has extensive experience in counseling people on health and emotional problems, spirituality, family issues, relationships, death, life, and career paths.

In this show, she shares with you her thoughts, and the tools and secrets of the Ancient Masters for creating the Life You Want to have. You’ll find out how and why we humans are the way we are, and what we can do to improve our lives, progress, and share with the world what we would like to share. No matter what your background, age, gender, or belief system – you will benefit from the knowledge of how to create a Better Life for yourself and others.


Scroll down for February/March 2016 Shows (February 7, 14, 21, 28 and March 6):

5th SHOW: FEBRUARY 7, 2016

  • how to stop struggling in life, and be in tune with the flow of life

  • how we are programmed in our early childhood

  • why we miss out on opportunities in our life

  • how to welcome a good life opportunity

  • what is the real subconscious wish hidden behind all our wishes

  • steps for finding our Own Inner Truth

  • answering questions from listeners (related to this show’s topics)

  • how to change your life: step 5 in the Game – “9 Pennies Can Change Your Life”



6th SHOW: FEBRUARY 14, 2016

  • how it is possible to change our reality in the blink of an eye

  • what science and the Ancient Masters tell us about changing reality with the frequency of our thoughts

  • how to create the circumstances that are in alignment with who we are

  • how to find out our own purpose

  • what steps to take to get rid of the fear of failure

  • answering questions from listeners (related to this show’s topics)

  • how to change your life: step 6 in the Game – “9 Pennies Can Change Your Life”



7th SHOW: FEBRUARY 21, 2016

  • how to stay strong despite any stress and difficult circumstances and be able to succeed 

  • how to de-stress quickly and instantly stop negative thoughts 

  • why and how it is possible that we can be the heroes of the day, day after day

  • simple steps to achieving what we need to achieve  

  • what to do when you think things are out of control 

  • answering questions from listeners (related to this show’s topics)

  • how to change your life: step 7 in the Game – “9 Pennies Can Change Your Life”


8th SHOW: FEBRUARY 28, 2016

  • how and why we sabotage our own success

  • how and why we sabotage our relationships 

  • why many of us never reach for their dreams

  • what hides behinds the stories of failing just before reaching one’s goals 

  • how to stop the vicious circle of self-sabotage and achieve true success in life 

  • answering questions from listeners (related to this show’s topics)

  • how to change your life: step 8 in the Game – “9 Pennies Can Change Your Life”


9th SHOW: MARCH 6, 2016

This is the last show of the series “The Life You Want Is Yours”.

  • why is it that many of us live in sorrow and misery while we are all born to thrive

  • what is the difference between true and false success

  • what kind of programming has been passed down from generation to generation

  • what to do when our whole life is falling apart

  • how to build, live and enjoy the life we want

  • answering questions from listeners (related to this show’s topics)

  • how to change your life: step 9 in the Game – “9 Pennies Can Change Your Life”



To watch/listen to more of Johanna Kern’s videos and recordings – subscribe to her Youtube Channel: