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Dark Energy and The Law of Reduction & Expansion

Dark Energy in our Universe keeps growing. That phenomenon is directly linked to one of the 8 Universal Laws for Energy: The Law of Reduction & Expansion.

Here is the next installment of my series dedicated to all the seekers of truth: 

Dark Energy and The Law of Reduction & Expansion

Dark Energy and The Law of Reduction & Expansion

The Universal Law is one of the 7 Powers/Energies creating the physical world. It affects everything in the physical/material world, including all of our thoughts, actions, our physical and emotional health, what we experience and where we are heading:

It consists of 8 component Laws.

 The third one is called:

The Law of Reduction & Expansion

A short overview of how this law affects the quality of our life. 

NOTE: Each of the laws is an Energy wave with unique frequencies that can be measured in Hz. Those frequencies can be replicated with the use of technology (specific mathematical equations are used at more advanced levels of Master Teachings of Hope) – but also can be produced by the human brain. 

Have you noticed how quickly things happen in the world compared to the past? How fast everything around us changes: the speeding development of science, human thought, the political, economic and social changes?

Such changes used to take decades or centuries before, and now we can observe a whole spectrum of them in just one lifetime.

When you pay attention to your own thoughts, you may also notice how fast what you wish for, or are afraid of – may take place in your life.

You might find it interesting to know that it is all due to the expansion of the Universe:

The expanding Universe affects our lives, thoughts, and our day-to-day experience.

Here is how it works:

According to the 3rd Universal Law for Energy – The Law of Reduction & Expansion – all Matter, being a part of the Cosmic Energy, continues pulsating. It expands, decreases, then expands again, and so on.

What this has to do with our experience?

A lot more than we would expect. 

Thus far, the expansion of the Universe, and the fact that we see the galaxies moving away from us, has been puzzling astronomers, who have been making increasingly accurate measurements of two important cosmological patterns: the rate at which the Universe expands, and the average density of Matter in the Universe.

When in the 1920s scientists discovered the expansion of the Universe, it was believed that the expansion was slowing. Not until 1998, when two independent scientific studies proved that the expansion accelerates, did any of the scientists think about what would be its results.

Since then, more than 5000 papers were written and many of those have dealt with something called Dark Energy. In physical cosmology and astronomy that name describes an unknown form of Energy, believed to permeate all of space and tending to accelerate the expansion of the Universe. It isn’t very dense, and it doesn’t seem to be subject to gravity, unlike Matter. Dark Energy makes up 68% of universal density, filling the otherwise empty space.

Dark Energy and The Law of Reduction & Expansion

Dark Energy and The Law of Reduction & Expansion

 And here comes the very interesting point:

What scientists have perceived as Dark Energy – many ancient philosophies, or belief systems, have described as Spirit – as opposed to Matter. Some of those philosophies have named the interaction between Matter and Spirit (Dark Energy) as the “Breathing Universe.”

Before I explain how it all affects us in the present time, please read this short excerpt from the book “Master and The Green-Eyed Hope” – describing further the phenomenon of the Breathing Universe and the so-called Dark Energy:

“You have to understand that both Matter and Spirit are energies and their basic element is vibration,” he resumed his lesson. “Vibration is the basic element of everything that is, and what is not.”

Beautiful — I thought. Now he’d gotten me confused.

“What do you mean by ‘is’ and ‘is not’?” I asked.

He stopped and looked at me. “In other words, what has been manifested and what has been not manifested yet,” he said.

“All right,” I nodded. “You mean vibration is like a seed. For what will grow, or already has grown from it.”

(…)“Just as the height of the flame reflects how much oil there is in the cresset, and its color would tell you the type of oil being used — each energy reflects the qualities of a vibration from which it originates,” he explained.

I narrowed my eyes and observed the flame. When looked at that way, the flame was hazy, like ripples in the air.

“Then energy is like a ripple, a pattern,” I said.

He smiled. “Indeed, energy is a pattern reflecting the frequency and density of a vibration. Various types of energies reflect various vibrations.”

“As Matter and Spirit do?”

“Correct,” he confirmed.

Both were eternal in their essence, both were constantly transmuting, perpetuating their existence — he explained. However, while one was contracting, the other was expanding. Then they would switch, and the first one would expand, while the second one would contract. And so on.

He passed me an antique-looking bellows. I turned it around in my hands, admiring its solid, yet tasteful design. The leather was attached to the oak wood handles with elegant brass rivets.Dark Energy and The Law of Reduction & ExpansionI played with the bellows while the Master continued, saying, “Just as the bellows’ handles spread out, and the bellows is sucking in the air — the Spirit expands, spreads out and absorbs Matter. One can say that Spirit ‘breathes in’ Matter.”

I spread the bellows’ handles and it sucked, “breathed in” the air.
“And then what?” I asked, looking at him.

“Then, just as the bellows collapses, letting the air out, the Spirit contracts while Matter expands, being ‘breathed out’ — so to speak. ”

Interesting — I thought, and squeezed the handles together. The bellows made a quiet hissing sound while letting the air out.

“And this is how Matter and Spirit constantly ‘breathe’ together, or ‘dance’, if you will,” he said. “It is an ongoing cycle.” (…) “When either Matter or Spirit expands, there is more space in them. And while they are contracted, they are, let’s say, ‘more packed’. You may easily observe such phenomena in the physical world.”

“How is that?” I asked.

“Rising and falling of mindsets, such as civilizations. Or so-called birth and death of organisms. Or the expansion and contraction of Universes,” he said. “Well, to observe that you would have to live many billions of years,” he smiled. “You can, however, learn from the quantum physics field that your Universe is presently expanding. There is more ‘space’ in Matter nowadays.”– End of excerpt.

Now here is something to think about:

During the cycle of the expanding Universe, there is increasingly more space (more Dark Energy, or Spirit), in relation to Matter.

That means that all that is non-material “travels” faster, easier – as if gliding quickly through water or air.

Every single vibration sent out moves forward quicker and manifests faster.

Dark Energy and The Law of Expansion & Reduction

We live in the most interesting times:

We have a chance to affect the “reality” we live in, in a truly profound way, beneficial for all of us. The Universe – thanks to its accelerating expansion – is on our side.

We can achieve anything we want if we keep our Minds open and listen to the wisdom of our Hearts.

It is up to us how we are going to use that knowledge. 

We already know that our thoughts are energy. (See: How We Create & Co-Create Our Reality)

Our thoughts behave exactly the same as our actions – in the huge Energy field that everything belongs to: from human cells to planets, stars and galaxies.

  • Everything we know and can think of behaves according to the 8 Universal Laws for Energy. From Einstein, Tesla, Quantum Physics and ancient mystics, philosophers and belief systems – we know that everything is Energy. Science continues to research our origins, and physics discovers more and more about how the whole “system” works.

  • When we send out a thought, it behaves like other energy waves, vibrating with a particular frequency – either higher or lower. And that depends on what kind of intention lies behind our thought. It has been observed by researchers that the higher the frequency of vibrations, the higher the impact they have on everything else.

In other words:

The higher the vibration of our thoughts, the faster and more profoundly we create our reality – the experiences of our life.

That phenomenon has not only been observed in quantum field theory but also, interestingly, by many philosophers, mystics and belief systems, for thousands of years.

It has been observed that expanded consciousness, altruism, unconditional Love – the so-called “higher virtues”, being of the higher frequency and falling into the category of Gamma brainwaves – have the biggest power, changing our reality in a blink of an eye.

What we think and do is the blueprint for what we receive and who we become.

Dark Energy and The Law of Reduction & Expansion

If we want to change our reality, we need to change the blueprint of our thoughts. And it isn’t difficult at all:

  • Begin by observing the people and events appearing in your life. Notice the true human kindness residing beneath their imperfections. Deep down, we all want the same: a peaceful, happy and fulfilled life.

  • Look for the harmony in all events. Start perceiving everything and everyone as a part of one huge energy field, where all of us are connected – just like drops in the ocean. We are all having our individual experiences, at the same time being a part of a huge community – the symbolic ocean, where all of us are interconnected. In that sense – we are never alone.

Whether we are conscious of that or not, we belong to the world in the same way, as the world belongs to us.

  • By taking this step toward awakening from Illusion, you will experience a shift in your consciousness, and move from discomfort to the awareness of Love and Joy, residing in all life.


1. OUR SUBCONSCIOUS rules 90% of our thinking and behavior. It is responsible for our habits, emotions, automatic reactions, defensive mechanisms etc., which may keep us stuck in unwanted situations in life. You can reprogram your subconscious and get rid of the negative patterns stopping you from living the life you want.

2. On the level of consciousness beyond the senses, we have access to every single bit of information that exists.

Whether that information originated in what we perceive as past, present or future – does not matter. In the field of the One Whole, time does not bind us, because on that level all is timeless.

Reflect on the following:

“It is important to remember that every human being on this planet, each plant, and each animal, every single living creature – is absolutely unique.

It is important to realize and acknowledge your own uniqueness, and the fact that you are entitled to living a happy life. You can decide your own fate and contribute to the lives of others.”- from the book “Master Teachings of HOPE”  – Volume 1by Johanna Kern

Take your time – that always works the best. Have love and patience for yourself. 

The 8 Components of the Universal Law help us at every step.

SEE: Changing Reality: 8 Universal Laws for Energy – Introduction

These laws affect us with no exception in all areas of life: private and professional, art and science, business and politics etc. – whether we are aware of it or not: 

1. The Law of Cause & Effect / Cause & Solution
2. The Law of Originating & Growing & Passing
3. The Law of Reduction and Expansion
4. The Law of Appearances
5. The Law of Chain Reaction
6. The Law of Self-Direction
7. The Law of Matrix and Volume
8. The Law of Infinity

Detailed information about what is consciousness and the Wheel of Creation, how to achieve happiness, develop personal power and what are the ways to create/change our own reality can be found in the books by Johanna Kern: “Master and The Green-eyed Hope” (basic level), “Master Teachings of HOPE”  – Volume 1, (advanced level), “The Birth of a Soul” (advanced level), “Inner Shadow Transformation – the Banner Method” (advanced level). 

BOOKS by Johanna Kern

Books by Johanna Kern

In her book “Master Teachings of HOPE”  – Volume 1, Johanna Kern guides the readers through a specific program designed to expand your vision of yourself, sharpen your intuition and awake some of the dormant areas of your brain. The book also contains twelve never before published Inner Journeys, allowing the readers to discover their Own Truth, and train their brain for new ways of thinking. 

“Inner Shadow Transformation – The Banner Method” offers the unique, highly effective Shadow Transformation Method developed by Johanna Kern over many years of working with thousands of people as a successful producer, CEO, director, and counselor.

It is a step-by-step system, a tool that leads to identifying one’s hidden subconscious blockages, and then freeing and releasing the pure, inherent Power of our Subconscious Mind. 

Johanna Kern, transformational teacher and multiple award-winning author (“Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”, “The Birth of a Soul”, “Inner Shadow Transformation – The Banner Method”“Master Teachings of HOPE”, “365 (+ 1), Affirmations to Supercharge Your Life”, “Secrets of Love , Shadowland: The Legend), many years ago suddenly began to experience regular spontaneous trances in which she found herself in an ancient temple, where she was receiving the Teachings Of Hope from an ancient Master.

The Teachings Of Hope gave her answers to the most important questions occupying human minds for centuries and a new look at all that we hold as sacred – ourselves, our origins and purpose:

From what is the meaning of our existence, to how to achieve true Happiness, Success, Power, Abundance and Freedom from all limitations. From how our thoughts function in the field of energy that we all are a part of, to what is the meaning and nature of life, matter, spirit – and what really is the Wheel of Creation.

She shares her knowledge and helps people to find their own power and progress in all areas of their lives. Her books and audio recordings are available on this site, as well as on Amazon and other major online retailers around the world – in English, German and Polish languages.