“Learn, and appreciate yourself as a human being. Each of you is very powerful. All you need to evoke your power is to remember that you already have it, and use it with Love.”

Johanna Kern, author – Master Teachings of Hope
Johanna Kern, transformational teacher and multiple award-winning author (“Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”, “365 ( 1) Affirmations to Supercharge Your Life”, “Secrets of Love”, “Shadowland: The Legend”), many years ago suddenly began to experience regular spontaneous trances in which she found herself in an ancient temple, where she was receiving The Master Teachings Of Hope from an ancient Master.
The Master Teachings Of Hope gave her answers to the most important questions occupying human minds for centuries and a new look at all that we hold as sacred – ourselves, our origins and purpose.
This book will help you to understand your own endless potential, and explain to you the mechanism of the 7 Powers and how you can use that knowledge for your benefit and growth.
“Among the billions of people on our planet, you are the only person with your particular characteristics, both external and internal. You are unique, and so is your way of thinking, perceiving and experiencing yourself. You have a unique Mind, and a unique Heart. There is only one you in the entire world. You are here to know that you have no limits. You are here to be who you were meant to be.
With my love I am passing into your hands the 1st volume in the series of the advanced Master Teachings of HOPE.”
Unleash your inherent power and enjoy who you are becoming.
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The 7 Powers Creating the World & The 7 Powers Within You