Secrets of Love – Epub

Secrets of Love – Epub

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Award-winning groundbreaking book :
Your ultimate guide to unlocking the secrets of creating a deeply fulfilling, lasting, successful romantic relationship. 

Second Edition 2024

EPUB – with full-color illustrations

Secrets of Love - Johanna Kern

Secrets of Love – Johanna Kern


“This delightful book covers so many dimensions that it is really a book that is all about ALL about love. It goes into more depth than similar books, and does so in a delightful, reader-friendly style, as Johanna Kern, the author, ranges from search for love, what to do when one finds it, how to nurture it, and what to do when it crashes – or survives! If someone has not found love when one reads this book, it will be a practical road map for the journey!”

– Stanley Krippner Ph.D. – Co-author of “Personal Mythology”; former President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; a Charter Member of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation; a pioneer in the study of consciousness, having conducted research for over 50 years; recipient of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Development of Psychology and Professional Hypnosis

Whether you’re a hopeful romantic, seeking to improve an existing partnership, or exploring unconventional paths to love, these secrets will empower you to transform your love story into a captivating and unforgettable narrative.

Renowned multiple-award-winning author and transformational teacher, Johanna Kern, draws upon her own experience in a thriving relationship with her younger husband and over two decades of counseling individuals dealing with various life challenges.

Written in an easy heartfelt style with charming graphic illustrations, this book speaks to readers of all ages and relationship backgrounds.

Discover the answers to burning questions:
❤️ What is genuine love, and how do you recognize it?
❤️ The pursuit of a soul mate: should you seek one or let love come naturally?
❤️ Can opposites attract, or do similarities create lasting bonds?
❤️ After falling in love, what’s the next step: commitment, distance, or exit?
❤️ Uncover the hidden issues that determine your relationship’s success or failure.
❤️ The art of commitment: when ‘yes’ is effortless and when it becomes a burden.
❤️ Explore the dimensions of romance: spontaneous, planned, or thoughtful?
❤️ Confront the “Ghosts of our past” and learn how to navigate them without hindrance.
❤️ Navigate the realms of intimacy and sensuality, and keep the spark alive: tips and suggestions.
❤️ The power of aphrodisiacs and superfoods in revitalizing your love life: favorite recipes included!
❤️ Maintain the magnetic attraction within your relationship: how to do it in mundane life.
❤️ Confronting expectations versus reality.
❤️ Lighten up your relationship with playfulness and happiness: examples of fun games for couples.
❤️ Learn how to say “I love you” in over 130 languages, find out about numerous love nicknames and much, much more!

Embark on a journey to unlock the “Secrets of Love,” and witness the transformation of your relationship into an extraordinary love story. 😊🌟📚 ❤️❤️❤️


  • E-Book: EPUB

  • Publisher: H.O.P.E. Assn.

  • Language: English

  • New Edition: 2024

E-Book regular price: US$ 14,99  

NOW ONLY: US$ 9,99 



Secrets of Love - Johanna Kern

Secrets of Love – Johanna Kern


“Secrets of Love” – SEE THE BOOK TRAILER:

Love will make you grow. Very much so. And it doesn’t matter what kind of experience you have, what kind of knowledge, education, business or academic achievements you hold under your belt. Love will teach you new things. Things that you wouldn’t be able to learn outside of the “realm of true Love”.

“Love IS power. Lack of Love IS lack of power. Do you want to bet? I did. And it wasn’t really about winning the bet. When I won, I won Love. Because when it comes to Love, everyone wins if you learn the secrets of Love. I wish you Love. And I wish you happy loving.”  – Johanna Kern

With these Secrets, you can make your Love the best story of your life.

Secrets of Love - Johanna Kern

Secrets of Love – Johanna Kern

Embark on a journey to unlock the “Secrets of Love,” and witness the transformation of your relationship into an extraordinary love story. 😊🌟📚 ❤️❤️❤️

E-Book regular price: US$ 14,99  

NOW ONLY: US$ 9,99 




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