The Birth of a Soul – Epub

The Birth of a Soul – Epub

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The Sequel to a Spiritual Masterpiece “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Soul

Second Edition 2024

The Birth of A Soul - Johanna Kern

The Birth of A Soul – Johanna Kern

The Birth of A Soul - Johanna Kern

The Birth of A Soul – Johanna Kern


Experience the spellbinding sequel to an extraordinary true story, penned by the acclaimed multiple award-winning author, Johanna Kern. This mesmerizing award-winning narrative follows in the footsteps of its predecessor, “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”, recognized for its enthralling and novel-like style, setting a new standard in the realm of spiritual literature

This remarkable odyssey commences with the author’s spontaneous trances and her profound encounters with an ancient Master, who unveiled the secrets of the Teachings of Hope, propelling her onto a life-altering journey. Now, she generously shares this invaluable knowledge that holds the potential to reshape the future for all.

– Renowned scientist Jerry Solfvin Ph.D., who has dedicated years to the study of extraordinary human capabilities, praises Kern’s work:

“As a scientist who has devoted many years to the serious study of ‘things that go bump in the night,’ I’ve encountered directly or indirectly almost every type of extraordinary human capability, and I can assure you Johanna Kern’s special ability is rather unique.
Like Castaneda, the author ventures into the hinter world as a sort of transcendental anthropologist, comes back whole and offers a detailed report that makes the rest of us feel as if we’ve been there too. Thoroughly grounded, highly intelligent journey, with its complex system of symbols and metaphors, and rich blend of characters from several worlds.”

– Brian Van der Horst, noted journalist and management consultant, Chief Facilitator, Europe, for Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, places Kern’s work in a league of its own, akin to “The Urantia Book” and “A Course in Miracles,” praising its well-crafted narrative.

– Stanley Krippner, Ph.D, an authority in consciousness and human potential, recipient of the Awards for Distinguished Contributions to the International Development of Psychology, Professional Hypnosis, and several Lifetime Contributions Awards, calls Kern’s work an original “gem”, commending it for its authenticity and highlighting how each chapter broadens our understanding of human capabilities and experiences, adding depth to our exploration of humanity.

This recollection of teachings received in recent trances invites you on an illuminating journey into the Spiritual and Invisible World, unveiling revelations about our destiny, our connection with the Divine/Highest Vibration, the origins of our spiritual existence, the fate and evolution of our Soul and consciousness, the Force of Existence, and the Mathematics of Frequencies.

The Birth of A Soul - Johanna Kern

The Birth of A Soul – Johanna Kern

Discover what awaits us in both our physical lives and the journey of our Souls.


  • E-Book: EPUB, MOBI

  • Pages: 558

  • Publisher: H.O.P.E. Assn.

  • Language: English

E-Book regular price: US$ 14,99 

Now only: 9,99 

Paperback, Hardcover and Kindle available on Amazon: HERE




“I published my first book, ‘Master and the Green-Eyed Hope’, in 2013,” says Johanna Kern.  “To be honest, it felt like a really brave thing to do. I was afraid that it could damage my professional life (full-time filmmaker); I thought it could ruin all that I had built over the years.

Master and the Green-eyed Hope - Johanna Kern

Master and the Green-eyed Hope – Johanna Kern

Nothing like that happened. Nobody was questioning my sanity but me. Quite the opposite, “Master and the Green-Eyed Hope” was adored by readers in North America and Europe, received awards at the New York and San Francisco International Book Festivals, and was endorsed by three experts/scientists renowned for their work in the fields of psychology, parapsychology, human consciousness and metaphysics. This is what they said:

“As a scientist who has devoted many years to the serious study of  ‘things that go bump in the night,’ I’ve encountered directly or indirectly almost every type of extraordinary human capability, and I can assure you Johanna Kern’s special ability is rather unique.

Like Castaneda, the author ventures into the hinter world as a sort of transcendental anthropologist, comes back whole and offers a detailed report that makes the rest of us feel as if we’ve been there too. Thoroughly grounded, highly intelligent journey, with its complex system of symbols and metaphors, and rich blend of characters from several worlds.”  Jerry Solfvin, PhD., Professor at Center for Indic Studies, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; former Senior Research Associate at the Psychical Research Foundation at Duke (with William Roll) conducting studies of poltergeists, meditation and psi, and psychophysiology (with Ed Kelly); former director of the graduate program in parapsychology at John F. Kennedy University in California.

“I have read Johanna Kern’s manuscript and found it very intriguing. From a psychological point of view, it suggests that her ‘spontaneous trances’ reflect the fact that the REM (rapid eye movement) cycle continues during the day, but most people do not notice it. Ms. Kern might be particularly sensitive to it and her ‘spontaneous trances’ might occur at the time when vivid dreams would take place if she had been asleep. Ernest Rossi has done considerable research on these cycles and arranges to see his clients for clinical hypnosis at a time that matches their daytime counterpart to their nighttime REM stage.

The material itself is reminiscent of the Castaneda books. Exceptionally well written, in an engaging, reader-friendly style. The Master could have an existence apart from his visits to Ms. Kern and other people might be able to contact him as well because he represents what Jung called the ‘collective unconscious’. Her book I feel, will truly contribute to human well-being.” — Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University; former President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, the Parapsychological Association and the Association for the Study of Dreams; Charter Member of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation; Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, the American Psychological Society, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion; former Director of the Dream Laboratory at Maimonides Medical Center in New York and The Child Study Center at Kent State University.

“Johanna Kern is a serious woman, a professional filmmaker of talent, who found herself experiencing, to her own great surprise, some truly bizarre, transcendental and supernatural events. Sometimes these individuals find themselves channeling volumes of religious revelations and evolutionary instruction manuals like ‘The Urantia Book’ and ‘A Course in Miracles’ tomes. Sometimes they undergo a series of trance-like states and begin spouting purported ancient wisdom and/or producing paranormal phenomena.

Johanna’s story is especially valuable and interesting because it records and illustrates the development of an individual through time — a sort of answer to the perennial ‘What’s it worth?” question. ‘Master and the Green-Eyed Hope’ is a very well-written, enjoyable book that places it above the general order of this genre of work.” — Brian Van der Horst, journalist and management consultant; Chief Facilitator, Europe, for Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, former director of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming Center for Advanced Studies in San Francisco; former acquisitions editor for J.P. Tarcher Books and Houghton-Mifflin; former editor for New Realities, Practical Psychology, Playboy, and The Village Voice; author of several books and over 1,000 magazine and newspaper articles.

Dive into “The Birth of a Soul and explore the depths of spiritual wisdom in a narrative that reads like a captivating novel, unveiling the profound mysteries of the soul and the spiritual realms.

The Birth of A Soul - Johanna Kern

The Birth of A Soul – Johanna Kern

E-Book regular price: US$ 14,99 

Now only: 9,99 

Paperback, Hardcover, and Kindle on Amazon: HERE
