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    Award-winning groundbreaking book : Your ultimate guide to unlocking the secrets of creating a deeply fulfilling, lasting, successful romantic relationship. 

    Second Edition 2024

    EPUB - with full-color illustrations

    Secrets of Love - Johanna Kern

    Secrets of Love - Johanna Kern


    “This delightful book covers so many dimensions that it is really a book that is all about ALL about love. It goes into more depth than similar books, and does so in a delightful, reader-friendly style, as Johanna Kern, the author, ranges from search for love, what to do when one finds it, how to nurture it, and what to do when it crashes – or survives! If someone has not found love when one reads this book, it will be a practical road map for the journey!”

    – Stanley Krippner Ph.D. - Co-author of “Personal Mythology”; former President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; a Charter Member of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation; a pioneer in the study of consciousness, having conducted research for over 50 years; recipient of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Development of Psychology and Professional Hypnosis

    Whether you're a hopeful romantic, seeking to improve an existing partnership, or exploring unconventional paths to love, these secrets will empower you to transform your love story into a captivating and unforgettable narrative.

    Renowned multiple-award-winning author and transformational teacher, Johanna Kern, draws upon her own experience in a thriving relationship with her younger husband and over two decades of counseling individuals dealing with various life challenges.

    Written in an easy heartfelt style with charming graphic illustrations, this book speaks to readers of all ages and relationship backgrounds.

    Discover the answers to burning questions: ❤️ What is genuine love, and how do you recognize it? ❤️ The pursuit of a soul mate: should you seek one or let love come naturally? ❤️ Can opposites attract, or do similarities create lasting bonds? ❤️ After falling in love, what's the next step: commitment, distance, or exit? ❤️ Uncover the hidden issues that determine your relationship's success or failure. ❤️ The art of commitment: when 'yes' is effortless and when it becomes a burden. ❤️ Explore the dimensions of romance: spontaneous, planned, or thoughtful? ❤️ Confront the "Ghosts of our past" and learn how to navigate them without hindrance. ❤️ Navigate the realms of intimacy and sensuality, and keep the spark alive: tips and suggestions. ❤️ The power of aphrodisiacs and superfoods in revitalizing your love life: favorite recipes included! ❤️ Maintain the magnetic attraction within your relationship: how to do it in mundane life. ❤️ Confronting expectations versus reality. ❤️ Lighten up your relationship with playfulness and happiness: examples of fun games for couples. ❤️ Learn how to say “I love you” in over 130 languages, find out about numerous love nicknames and much, much more!

    Embark on a journey to unlock the "Secrets of Love," and witness the transformation of your relationship into an extraordinary love story. 😊🌟📚 ❤️❤️❤️


    • E-Book: EPUB

    • Publisher: H.O.P.E. Assn.

    • Language: English

    • New Edition: 2024

    E-Book regular price: US$ 14,99  

    NOW ONLY: US$ 9,99 


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    Дважды награждённая призами книга, помогающая людям изменить их жизнь и самим создать новую реальность в окружающей их действительности.

    Перевод с немецкого Анны Пакканен

    Новое издание 2024

    Мастер и Зеленоглазая Надежда

    Мастер и Зеленоглазая Надежда

    Новое издание этой книги Иоганны Керн, «Мастер и Зеленоглазая Надежда», награждённой многими призами, и переведённой на русский язык Анной Пакканен – это история из жизни, и в то же время это научно- фантастическое и мистическое путешествие, написанное в захватывающем и увлекательном стиле.

    Эта правдивая история дарит нам надежду на лучшую жизнь.

    Она показывает нам, что мы прекрасным образом можем быть и оставаться всегда людьми.

    Существует ли единый ключ, позволяющий открыть в каждом человеке его истинную силу и красоту?

    Существует ли для каждого из нас единственная и неповторимая судьба?

    В наше время, с его ежедневным стрессом и неуверенностью, исходящими и из всеобщей нестабильности, и из множества случаев личной глубокой депрессии и неспособности людей справиться с окружающими их обстоятельствами, что в последнее время всё чаще и чаще встречается в жизни – эта книга даёт людям надежду – инструмент, помогающий понять мудрость и могущество жизни и превратить её в бурлящую от радости, какой она и дана была нам Всемогущим, наилучшим вариантом нашего Я Есмь; и осознанно наполнить себя совершенством и Любовью на пути нашего путешествия по ней.

    И это не просто описание приключений автора, которая в трансе встречает в древнем храме замечательного Мастера, великодушно делящегося с ней древними знаниями, делающими эту книгу такой своеобразной. Хотя, возможно, это и есть то, что притянуло к данной книге внимание и похвалу многих всемирно известных учёных и исследователей в области паранормальных явлений, психологии, Пси-фактора и всего того, что так привлекает и завораживает в изучении человеческого Духа и его нераскрытых способностей.

    «Как учёный, много лет серьёзно изучавший и исследовавший различные явления, «возникающие ночью и начинающие стучать и громыхать», я имел дело с самыми различными видами паранормальных человеческих способностей. И я могу поклясться, что способности Иоганны Керн очень необычны и своеобразны.

    Как и Кастанеда, автор бесстрашно проникает в своего рода «трансцендентную антропологию», в иной, незнакомый ей мир, возвращается оттуда, и своим описанием этого мира даёт нам ощущение полного присутствия там. Это очень логичное, обоснованное, интеллигентное описание её путешествия в незнакомый мир – со своей сложной системой и своими метафорами, богатый смесью характеров различных миров». – Джерри Солфвин, профессор Центра индийских исследований в Массачусетском университете Дартмута (США); бывший старший научный сотрудник Фонда психических исследований в Университете Дьюка (США).

    Прочитайте главу 1 бесплатно:


    • Электронная книга: EPUB, MOBI

    • Русский язык

    • Издательство: H.O.P.E. Assn.

    Обычная цена электронной книги: US$ 14,99

    Теперь только: US$ 9,99

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    Награждённая книга отвечает на все вопросы и желания

    Тайны Любви

    Тайны Любви

    Перевод с немецкого Анны Пакканен

    Ты всё ещё в поиске истинной любви или хочешь улучшить отношения, в которых ты сейчас находишься - с этими тайнами любви ты можешь сам/ сама создать самую лучшую историю любви в твоей жизни, а именно:

    • Как «рассекретить» потенциального «нарушителя договора» и как поступить с ним, пока он ещё не натворил большего ( не причинил больше боли)

    • Какие компромиссы возможны в отношениях, какие из будут успешны, а какие ограничивают личную свободу партнёра

    • «7 чудовищ, привидений» из прошлого, саботирующих наше доверие и интимность, и как поступать с ними, как обходиться с ними, начиная от страха перед отказом, страха быть отверженным, и кончая страхом перед одиночеством

    • Дать в руки надёжный инструмент для долгосрочной и надёжной коммуникации друг с другом, гарантирующей постоянную и надёжную интимность

    • Как сохранить в ежедневной жизни огонь романтики, чтобы отношения не стали рутиной, или превратились в платонические

    • Творческие предложения, когда каждый из партнёров найдёт для себя единственный необходимый только ему способ чувствовать себя любимым и достойным восхищения

    • Идеи, которые дают индивидуальную свободу каждому из партнёров, и помогают обоим уравновесить свободу и интимность, позволяя каждому из партнёров выигрывать при этом

    • Исследование и изучение телесной интимности и секса как средства связи для ведения счастливых, здоровых любовных отношений в жизни

    • Рецепты афродизиаков, и легко приготовляемых блюд с ними, для стимуляции любовных желаний

    • Надежда и действительность того, что каждый представляет себе под истинной любовью, когда речь заходит о доверии и о совместном бытие. (о совместном проживании друг с другом)

    • По статистике ежегодно около десяти тысяч браков заключаются на основе любовных отношений (романов) на рабочем месте. И в то же время ежегодно увеличивается и число разводов

    И во время, когда долгосрочные отношения являются редкостью, и всё большее число людей не согласны довольствоваться несчастливыми отношениями, эта книга является мощным союзником для тех, кто не перестаёт верить в то, что он всё-таки может иметь в отношениях и интимность и эротику.

    Прочитайте главу 1 бесплатно:

    • Электронная книга: EPUB, MOBI

    • Русский язык

    • Издательство: H.O.P.E. Assn.

    Обычная цена электронной книги: US$ 14,99

    Теперь только: US$ 9,99

    Читайте дальше внизу: Ещё один фрагмент на пробу, трейлер книги и описание

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    Эта награждённая, иллюстрированная, полноцветная книга раскрывает секрет того, как жить так, как вы хотите.

    Новое издание 2024

    365 (+1)Аффирмаций для счастливой жизни

    365 (+1)
    Аффирмаций для счастливой жизни

    Перевод с немецкого Анны Пакканен

    Жизнь, о которой ты мечтаешь, может принадлежать тебе:

    Столетиями преуспевающие и влиятельные люди использовали аффирмации, которые приносили им самые неординарные результаты. Шаг за шагом эти люди с помощью поддерживающих аффирмаций превращали неудачи в удачи, болезнь в здоровье, несчастье – в радость жизни.

    Да, ты можешь иметь жизнь, которую ты хочешь и которую ты полностью заслуживаешь, несмотря на твою жизненную ситуацию, возраст, пол, предысторию, вероисповедание и привычки.

    Квантовая физика уже доказала, что разум человека, его ум, влияет на мир, который мы видим вокруг нас.

    365 (+1)Аффирмаций для счастливой жизни

    365 (+1)
    Аффирмаций для счастливой жизни

    Иоганна Керн, автор обладающей многими наградами книги «Мастер и Зеленоглазая Надежда» делится высокоэффективным и простым методом, которым можно улучшить и исправить любую жизненную ситуацию. На основе своего двадцатилетнего опыта его применения и успешного консультирования в этой области, где она дает подробную инструкцию по применению учения древних Мастеров, Иоганна разработала пошаговую программу ежедневных аффирмаций, которыми ты постепенно можешь заново перепрограммировать свое подсознание. Этот можно применять для улучшения своей жизни, профессиональной карьеры, финансовой ситуации, здоровья, отношений, эмоционального состояния и своего духовного роста.

    Ты можешь следующим образом использовать содержание книги:

    • увеличить силу и мощь твоего духа

    • строить успешные взаимоотношения

    • расширять свой ум

    • преодолевать препятствия

    • улучшить своё здоровье и эмоциональное состояние

    • найти и сохранить своё счастье

    • улучшить свою любовную жизнь и укрепить свою самооценку.

    • преодолеть стресс и проблемы

    • вылечить своё подсознание

    • вылечить эмоциональные раны, страхи и опасения

    • найти цель в жизни и следовать ею

    • вести прекрасную, успешную и благополучную жизнь

    Когда мы сталкиваемся с непреодолимыми задачами или стрессовыми ситуациями – всегда важно помнить о том, что наше подсознание наполняется тем негативом, который на данный момент охватывает все наши мысли и раздражает нас. Чтобы вести полную и счастливую жизнь, мы должны знать, как быть и оставаться внимательными, и ежедневно тренироваться этой внимательности. И это совсем не тяжело!

    Прочитайте фрагмент на пробу бесплатно:

    • Электронная книга: EPUB, MOBI

    • Русский язык

    • Издательство: H.O.P.E. Assn.

    Обычная цена электронной книги: US$ 14,99

    Теперь только: US$ 9,99

    Читайте дальше внизу:

  • Discover a transformative method: Quick, and Effective.

    Designed to uncover and heal the deepest layers of your subconscious with this groundbreaking workbook

    In today's fast-paced world, we understand that time is a valuable commodity. That's why we've created an easy-to-use approach that doesn't demand long-term commitment, making it perfect for busy individuals like you.

    This workbook is your guide to recognizing and addressing your unique self-sabotaging behaviors. Grounded in the principles of subtle energy work, it provides a comprehensive toolkit of activities, exercises, guided inner journeys, prompts, and simple steps. With these tools, you can tackle your personal anxieties, fears, insecurities, depression, relationship issues, negative behavior patterns, subconscious blockages, and anything that stands in the way of unlocking your full potential and living a more fulfilling life.

    Praise for "Inner Shadow Transformation":

    “This fascinating book will help many people! 

    Through her work in the media, Johanna Kern has encountered the stories people tell themselves, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. In the latter cases, Johanna discerns a “shadow” element that needs to be identified and transformed, and her book provides numerous interventions that she and her clients have found invaluable. Rather than avoiding or eliminating these stories, Johanna provides a series of exercises that will result in positive changes, changing negative life-denying beliefs and behaviors into those that are life-affirming. She adroitly helps her readers replace weakness with strength, failure with success, and fear with love.”

    – Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. –

    • Co-author of “Personal Mythology”; former President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; a Charter Member of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation; a pioneer in the study of consciousness, having conducted research for over 50 years in the areas of dreams, hypnosis, shamanism, and dissociation; recipient of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Development of Psychology and Professional Hypnosis, and several Lifetime Contributions Awards

      Get ready to break free from your limitations with the Inner Shadow Transformation Banner Method, a quick and easy approach developed by the acclaimed, multiple award-winning author Johanna Kern. With years of experience working with thousands of people as a successful producer, CEO, director, and counselor, she brings a wealth of expertise to help you unleash your true potential. Don't wait – transform your life today!

    Scroll down: more information below!

    Paperback: 340 pages

    • Publisher: H.O.P.E. Assn.

    • Language: English

    • ISBN: 978-1-989913-12-3

    •  Weight: ‎ 1.28 pounds

    • Dimensions: ‎ 6 x 0.77 x 9 inches


    Paperback Regular price: U.S.$ 24,88 

  • Sale!

    Discover a transformative method: Quick, and Effective.

    Designed to uncover and heal the deepest layers of your subconscious with this groundbreaking workbook

    In today's fast-paced world, we understand that time is a valuable commodity. That's why we've created an easy-to-use approach that doesn't demand long-term commitment, making it perfect for busy individuals like you.

    This workbook is your guide to recognizing and addressing your unique self-sabotaging behaviors. Grounded in the principles of subtle energy work, it provides a comprehensive toolkit of activities, exercises, guided inner journeys, prompts, and simple steps. With these tools, you can tackle your personal anxieties, fears, insecurities, depression, relationship issues, negative behavior patterns, subconscious blockages, and anything that stands in the way of unlocking your full potential and living a more fulfilling life.

    Praise for "Inner Shadow Transformation":

    “This fascinating book will help many people! 

    Through her work in the media, Johanna Kern has encountered the stories people tell themselves, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. In the latter cases, Johanna discerns a “shadow” element that needs to be identified and transformed, and her book provides numerous interventions that she and her clients have found invaluable. Rather than avoiding or eliminating these stories, Johanna provides a series of exercises that will result in positive changes, changing negative life-denying beliefs and behaviors into those that are life-affirming. She adroitly helps her readers replace weakness with strength, failure with success, and fear with love.”

    – Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. –

    • Co-author of “Personal Mythology”; former President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; a Charter Member of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation; a pioneer in the study of consciousness, having conducted research for over 50 years in the areas of dreams, hypnosis, shamanism, and dissociation; recipient of the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Development of Psychology and Professional Hypnosis, and several Lifetime Contributions Awards

      Get ready to break free from your limitations with the Inner Shadow Transformation Banner Method, a quick and easy approach developed by the acclaimed, multiple award-winning author Johanna Kern. With years of experience working with thousands of people as a successful producer, CEO, director, and counselor, she brings a wealth of expertise to help you unleash your true potential. Don't wait – transform your life today!

    Scroll down: more information below!

    • E-Book: EPUB, MOBI

    • LANGUAGE: English

    • Publisher: H.O.P.E. Assn.

    E-Book regular price: US$ 16,99

    NOW ONLY: US$ 12,99 


  • Sale!

    What You Need to Hear Every Day:

    Favorite Messages for Your Mind, Body and Heart

    This special recording is filled with the positive messages that we often miss in our lives: from messages that will improve your vision of yourself to those that will help you find love, improve your health, your relationships, help you to be better and more confident in your job, spread your wings, build the career you want, create truly abundant life.

    Negative messages from our environment reach our mind, body, and heart day in and day out. Often we are criticized in our childhood and we begin to believe that we don’t deserve good things in life, that we need to struggle to survive, that we are not worthy of love, and will never experience true happiness. We begin to believe that we are not allowed to be who we truly are because we are not good enough.

    Imagine if instead of filling your head with negative statements about you and your life, someone will tell you what you truly need to hear every day. This recording is designed to help you change your subconscious beliefs and improve your life while you are improving your vision of yourself.

    Track # 2 contains Alpha Waves that can help you get into a relaxed, but awake state – allowing you to absorb the messages on a deep, subconscious level.

    You can listen to this recording any time you want. Wearing headphones is not required.



    THIS PACKET CONTAINS: Track 1, Track 2, and 3 graphics. 

    Running Time: 62 min 39 sec

    Track 1: Introduction - 3:07

    Track 2: Favorite Messages for Your Mind, Body and Heart - 59:32

    Music by: Patrick Kern

    MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

    NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

  • Sale!

    Program yourself for Success, Happiness, Health & Wealth

    • attract the right people and circumstances

    • increase and activate your self-confidence

    • initiate your "Big Picture" thinking

    • intuitively and easily attract success and joy into your life 

    • expand your awareness

    • overcome stress, obstacles, and worries

    OUR SUBCONSCIOUS rules 90% of our thinking and behavior. It is responsible for our habits, emotions, automatic reactions, defensive mechanisms etc., which may keep you stuck in unwanted situations in life.  This is how subconscious mind works: whatever you believe on that deep level, becomes your reality.

    For centuries, successful and influential people have been using effective tools for reprogramming the subconscious that have brought them extraordinary results. Using effective subconscious programming, many ordinary people have turned failures into success, illness into health, unhappiness into joy of living.

    You can reprogram your subconscious and get rid of the negative patterns stopping you from living the life you want.  

    With the use of the techniques of the ancient Masters for reprogramming subconscious, Theta and Alpha frequencies and a special program designed by transformational teacher Johanna Kern – this recording will help you get rid of your inner self-sabotaging patterns which pull you down and stop you from achieving your dreams. 

    Listen to Track # 1 - INTRODUCTION 7:17 min. (LISTEN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE):



    Track # 2 contains powerful guided meditation, messages for programming your subconscious, and Theta and Alpha frequencies to help you rewire the neural pathways in your brain. This recording will put you in a deep relaxation state. It is also perfect to listen while sleeping or meditating.  

    TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 49 minutes

    Music by: Patrick Kern

    MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

    NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

  • Sale!

    Program yourself to enjoy and love your naturally beautiful & healthy body

    • rejuvenate your cells

    • naturally stabilize your weight

    • reset the so-called “set weight mark” in your brain

    • improve your health 

    • change the shape of your body without obsessive dieting or excessive exercising

    • let yourself relax when you need it

    Our Bodies were designed to remain naturally beautiful, healthy and youthful, and we were meant to enjoy them that way during our entire lifetime.

    The ancient cultures knew that and developed specific tools to affect their subconscious, in order to enjoy the Body they wanted: healthy, beautiful and youthful.

    Johanna Kern had the privilege of learning the wisdom of the ancient teachings which explained our “reality” thousands of years ago, long before modern science, which is only now, in the last hundred years, slowly discovering the truths taught by the old Masters.

    With the use of the techniques of the ancient Masters for reprogramming subconscious, Theta and Alpha frequencies and a special program designed by transformational teacher Johanna Kern – this recording will help your body attain and maintain its natural health, strength, beauty, and weight.

    Listen to Track # 1 - INTRODUCTION 8:03 min. (LISTEN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE):



    Track # 2 contains powerful guided meditation, messages for programming your subconscious, and Theta and Alpha frequencies to help you rewire the neural pathways in your brain. It will put you in a deep relaxation state.  It is also perfect to listen while sleeping or meditating.  

    TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 54 minutes

    Music by: Patrick Kern

    MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

    NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

  • Sale!

    Recover from your illness and repair your DNA

    • accelerate your healing

    • dissolve subconscious fears associated with your illness

    • naturally relieve physical pain

    • reduce the need for pain medication

    • get a good night's sleep

    • reduce anxiety before surgery 

    • block out hospital noise

    • boost your immune system

    • recover quickly from post-illness weakness

    With new scientific findings, the approach to treating illness has been changing, and there is new hope for people with chronic pain, diabetes, cancer, HIV, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, depression, sleep problems, and many other issues.

    Your body has the capacity to heal itself. Our DNA is designed in a way that allows for self-repair. This has already been discovered in ancient times, and now modern science confirms that our minds can control our physiological functions and affect the makeup of our DNA. 

    As Johanna Kern is no longer able to do individual healing sessions due to overwhelming demand, she decided to help those in need of healing by designing this recording in a way, which allows you to use the powerful healing tools included in this recording on your own, and at your own speed.

    With this recording, you will be able to pass messages to your subconscious mind and accelerate your healing process.

    Listen to Track # 1 - INTRODUCTION 8:07 min (ANYTIME, ANYWHERE):


    Track # 2 contains the 396 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, allowing for dissolving negative thinking, negative emotions, possible guilt and destructive behavioral patterns - to help you reprogram your subconscious for well-being and good health. Combined with messages and frequencies to affect your subconscious and pineal gland – it will help you to deal with the root of your illness. USE HEADPHONES

    Track # 3, contains 528 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, combined with subliminal healing messages and sounds of nature. It is designed to repair your DNA and let your body return to its natural state, which is good health. USE HEADPHONES

    In the realm of healing techniques, sound has been used for thousands of years - from overtone chanting from Central Asia, through Tibetan sound healing to Gregorian chants, to name a few.

    The Solfeggio frequencies used in this recording represent a strong magnetic field and make up the ancient 6-tone scale used in sacred music, including the well-known Gregorian Chants.

    The subliminal messages used in track # 3 are included in the packet and can be also used as daily affirmations.

    TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 68 minutes

    Music by: Patrick Kern

    MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

    NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

  • Sale!

    Dump the heavy load of your fears & negative subconscious programming

    • lose weight without the “yo-yo effect” 

    • overcome food cravings/addictions

    • naturally stabilize your weight

    • develop healthy eating habits

    • change the shape of your body without obsessive dieting or excessive exercising

    • reduce anxiety causing you to overeat

    • intuitively find the best way to decrease your appetite

    • intuitively find the best way to increase your metabolism

    Implementing strict diets, or excessive exercise which suppresses your hormones result in putting on more weight than you have initially lost. Such unsuccessful attempts add to your stress and, of course, cause additional weight gain.

    There is a highly effective and enjoyable way to get rid of unwanted and unhealthy weight and keep it off. Scientific studies have proven beyond doubt that our minds, especially subconscious minds, have an immediate influence on our physiological functions and affect our cells, genes, health, and DNA.

    Simply put on your headphones and let this soothing recording do its job. This recording is designed to help you lose the excess of unhealthy, unwanted weight and dissolve subconscious fears and negative blockages associated with it while putting you in a deep relaxation state. While your subconscious mind changes its programming, the results are profound.

    Listen to Track # 1 - INTRODUCTION 10:27 min (LISTEN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE):


    Track # 2  GETTING RID OF SUBCONSCIOUS NEGATIVE PROGRAMMING 25:29 min (fragment - 6:49 min) (USE HEADPHONES): 

    Track # 2 contains the 396 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, allowing for dissolving negative thinking, negative emotions, possible guilt and destructive behavioral patterns. Combined with messages and frequencies to affect your subconscious and pineal gland – it will help you to deal with the root of your unhealthy weight gain.

    Track # 3 - LOSING WEIGHT EASILY 31:37 min (USE HEADPHONES):

    Track #3 contains some of the highly effective healing tools of the ancient Masters, subliminal messages for weight loss, 528 HZ Solfeggio frequencies for DNA healing, and soothing sounds of ocean waves.  It is designed to make changes in your genes, repair your DNA and let your body return to its natural state, which is good health and appropriate weight. 

    In the realm of healing techniques, sound has been used for thousands of years - from overtone chanting from Central Asia, through Tibetan sound healing to Gregorian chants, to name a few. The Solfeggio frequencies used in this recording represent a strong magnetic field and make up the ancient 6-tone scale used in sacred music, including the well-known Gregorian Chants.

    The subliminal messages used in track # 3 are included in the packet and can be also used as daily affirmations.

    TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 68 minutes

    Music by: Patrick Kern

    MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

    NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

  • Sale!

    You can have it and live it – because it is YOURS

    • attract wealth and increase prosperity

    • build a healthy relationship with money

    • experience financial, emotional and spiritual abundance in life 

    • activate the power of your subconscious mind

    • build and maintain the wealth you deserve

    • expand your "wealthy vision"

    • overcome obstacles and worries related to your financial situation

    • strengthen your self-worth

    You deserve the best in life. We are living on an abundant planet, where every single person, and every single being, can live their life in a happy and abundant way.

    There is a reason why you cannot live an abundant life, or why you cannot maintain comfort in life. There is a reason why while affirming abundance, you may, in fact, push it away.

    It could be your cultural or religious background, or the influences of your caregivers or teachers in your childhood and early youth, or - your own convictions of not being worthy, or believing that having a prosperous life is simply not right in the world where so many still suffer.

    We always have a choice of who and how we want to be. And when your life gets better, you can decide to help others to stand on their own feet, in any way you want. Becoming wealthy does not mean becoming selfish. You can show others how to live a better life, or you can share your own wealth with them. 

    This recording will help you overcome your subconscious blocks stopping you from living in the consciousness of abundance, enjoying a happy and prosperous life.

    Listen to Track # 1 – INTRODUCTION 9:32 min. (LISTEN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE):

    Listen to fragment from Track # 2 – GETTING RID OF SUBCONSCIOUS NEGATIVE PROGRAMMING 20:59 min (fragment – 6:47 min)  (USE HEADPHONES): 

    Track # 2 contains the 396 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, allowing for dissolving negative thinking, negative emotions, possible guilt, and destructive behavioral patterns. Combined with messages and frequencies to affect your subconscious and pineal gland – it will help you to deal with the root of your internal beliefs that stop you from living an abundant and fulfilled life.


    Track # 3 contains 528 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, which are known to induce transformation and miracles, combined with subliminal messages and sounds of nature. It is designed to help you make changes in your life situation, attract abundance, and give you the internal confidence to reach for what is yours. 

    The subliminal messages used in Track 3 are included in the packet and can be also used as daily affirmations.

    TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 62 minutes

    Music by: Patrick Kern

    MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

    NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99
