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Johanna Kern’s article was published in the October 2019 edition of “Conscious Shift Magazine” – an online magazine with thousands of readers across America. They are focused on the change happening in our world today.

How to get unstuck

Take Back Your Personal Power: Clarity, Capability, and Completion

Johanna Kern

Hot to get unstuck - Johanna KernWhen our life does not unfold in an easy way, and we are going through hardship, it is important to remember that it doesn’t mean we are doing something wrong. Oh, no. We can’t ever be wrong about our life. It is our life, we are living it the best way we can at any given moment, and we can decide how and what we want to experience.

However, change is not always easy. What stops us from making changes in our life and living the way we truly want?

Certainly, it is not our lack of courage. Usually, it is our subconscious programming. The thoughts we are perpetuating keep us imprisoned and stuck in situations that don’t benefit us at all.

It is often the case that we get used to such situations and they become our “habitual safety.” It means we have learned how to operate/survive in a certain environment and we would rather deal with something familiar than try new things. Because new may be scary.

Many of us live that way. Many of us live a life that does not fulfill our deepest needs to have it completely the way our heart desires. Instead, we tend to settle for less, following the footsteps of those who, before us, also settled for less – believing that “that’s the way it is.”

Our life is our own journey. Only we can decide which route we want to choose, what we want to experience on our journey, where we want to arrive, and in whose company.

All we need to get unstuck and move forward in life is to look at our situation from a different angle. Not to see it as a problem but as an opportunity.

When we do so, we can begin the three-fold process leading us to a better future:

  1. Clarity, 2. Capability, 3. Completion.

Having clarity about what stops us from living the way we want is the first step to making changes in our life:

Is it the old programming imprinted in us by our caregivers, teachers, society, belief system, or the spirit of the times we live in? What is it that we might subconsciously believe in?

As long as we are clear about what limits us and where we truly want to go, we will get there no matter what. Having clarity about what we want in our life can help us face our subconscious fears.

 When we are faced with overwhelming tasks or stressful situations – it is important to remember that no matter what, we all are capable of doing what’s needed:

With no exceptions, all of us can perform well under stress, and be at our best at any point. It is our human nature. As a human race, we have proven that over and over again in various circumstances. We can always find the strength within, look the impossible in the eye, and say: I don’t take “no” for an answer.

We have not been defeated. We survived. And we have an ongoing opportunity to prove how strong, wise, and trustworthy we are. We can trust ourselves if only for this one thing: we are survivors, and we don’t easily back off when we are fighting for what is important or dear to us.

If for whatever reason we have forgotten about that, we can simply flashback to our past success and remember that since we did it before, we can do it again. All of us can recall such situations, whether in our private life or at work when we were faced with the impossible and we made it possible.

We are capable of the most beautiful things. We are capable of becoming heroes in the blink of an eye. We are capable of being magnificent.

 When we realize that we are stronger than our limitations, we are ready for the last stage or our liberating process: completion. Completion of who we are, and completion of the life we live:

From generation to generation, subconscious programming and various limitations have been passed down to make most of us imprisoned in the illusion of having to live the life we don’t want to live, and of not being able to reach our full potential.

When we decide to acknowledge and embrace our power, we might want to begin with clearing our mind and continue with clearing our subconscious patterns. There are various tools available to us and they can help us: MP3s for reprogramming subconscious, self-help books, workshops, etc. We can always find what we need and what suits us best.

Once we face our subconscious fears, we become aware of our true inherent power. We are then able to identify and create in our life what we need for it to be fully complete.

Recommended to you:


For living a Happy, Successful, Healthy & Comfortable Life

See the descriptions below and click on the pictures

This one-of-a-kind award-winning book & MP3 for entirely changing one’s life are truly powerful gifts you can offer yourself or those you love!

365 (+1) Affirmations to Supercharge Your Life

365 (+1) Affirmations to Supercharge Your Life


The book is designed to entirely reprogram your subconscious for living a happy, fulfilled, healthy & wealthy life. No struggle, no sacrifices, no giving up what you love to do or have. All you need is to relax and let yourself enjoy each day while stepping into your Great Life.

Award-winning book: Los Angeles Book Festival, 2018, in the General Non-fiction category.

With the use of the techniques of the ancient Masters for reprogramming the subconscious, Theta & Alpha frequencies, and a special program designed by Johanna Kern – the MP3 recording will help you build The Life You Want – no matter what your background, life situation, gender, age, beliefs or traditions.

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Johanna Kern, transformational teacher and multiple award-winning author (“Master and the Green-Eyed Hope”, “The Birth of a Soul”, Master Teachings of HOPE”“365 ( 1 +) Affirmations to Supercharge Your Life”, “Inner Shadow Transformation – The Banner Method”, “Secrets of Love”, Shadowland: The Legend), many years ago suddenly began to experience regular spontaneous trances in which she found herself in an ancient temple, where she was receiving the Teachings Of Hope from an ancient Master.

Her story received international attention, winning praise by readers in North America and Europe, and endorsement by world-renowned experts in the fields of psychology, the study of dreams & hypnosis, psychophysiology, parapsychology, psi, human development, neuro-computing etc.: Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Jerry Solfvin, PhD. and Brian Van der Horst.

She shares her knowledge and helps people to find their own power and progress in all areas of their lives. Her books and audio recordings are available on this site, as well as on Amazon and other major online retailers around the world – in English, German and Polish languages.

Books and MP3s by Johanna Kern

Books and MP3s by Johanna Kern