Heal Your Body & DNA – MP3

Heal Your Body & DNA – MP3

14,99 $

Recover from your illness and repair your DNA

  • accelerate your healing

  • dissolve subconscious fears associated with your illness

  • naturally relieve physical pain

  • reduce the need for pain medication

  • get a good night’s sleep

  • reduce anxiety before surgery 

  • block out hospital noise

  • boost your immune system

  • recover quickly from post-illness weakness

With new scientific findings, the approach to treating illness has been changing, and there is new hope for people with chronic pain, diabetes, cancer, HIV, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, depression, sleep problems, and many other issues.

Your body has the capacity to heal itself. Our DNA is designed in a way that allows for self-repair. This has already been discovered in ancient times, and now modern science confirms that our minds can control our physiological functions and affect the makeup of our DNA. 

As Johanna Kern is no longer able to do individual healing sessions due to overwhelming demand, she decided to help those in need of healing by designing this recording in a way, which allows you to use the powerful healing tools included in this recording on your own, and at your own speed.

With this recording, you will be able to pass messages to your subconscious mind and accelerate your healing process.

Listen to Track # 1 – INTRODUCTION 8:07 min (ANYTIME, ANYWHERE):


Track # 2 contains the 396 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, allowing for dissolving negative thinking, negative emotions, possible guilt and destructive behavioral patterns – to help you reprogram your subconscious for well-being and good health. Combined with messages and frequencies to affect your subconscious and pineal gland – it will help you to deal with the root of your illness. USE HEADPHONES

Track # 3, contains 528 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, combined with subliminal healing messages and sounds of nature. It is designed to repair your DNA and let your body return to its natural state, which is good health. USE HEADPHONES

In the realm of healing techniques, sound has been used for thousands of years – from overtone chanting from Central Asia, through Tibetan sound healing to Gregorian chants, to name a few.

The Solfeggio frequencies used in this recording represent a strong magnetic field and make up the ancient 6-tone scale used in sacred music, including the well-known Gregorian Chants.

The subliminal messages used in track # 3 are included in the packet and can be also used as daily affirmations.


Music by: Patrick Kern

MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

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Listen to this recording on a daily basis to let the changes happening in your body accelerate your health:

Johanna Kern, award-winning author, filmmaker and transformational teacher, has extensive experience in counseling people on health and emotional problems, relationships and family issues, life and career paths, and spirituality.

Drawing from her experience and knowledge from over 20 years of helping people with various health and emotional problems she has designed this recording to help you recover from your illness and repair your DNA.

“Our Bodies can be healed from the inside out. It means that we, ourselves, hold enormous power within, which lets us change misery into happiness and illness into good health. Your body has the capacity to heal itself. Our DNA is designed in a way that allows it for self-repair.” – Johanna Kern

Track 1 – Introduction (8:07 min.) ANYTIME, ANYWHERE

Track 2 – Healing your body and programming your subconscious (20:10 min). This track contains powerful positive messages and the 396 HZ Solfeggio frequencies to affect your subconscious and pineal gland. USE HEADPHONES

Track 3 – Healing your body and DNA (30:10 min). This track contains the 528 HZ Solfeggio frequencies, combined with powerful subliminal healing messages and healing sounds of nature. USE HEADPHONES 

Running Time: 68 minutes

Music by: Patrick Kern

MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

Your healing, to begin with, needs to start with your understanding that your illness is not a punishment of any sort.

MP3s by Johanna Kern

MP3s by Johanna Kern

