Your Beautiful, Healthy and Youthful Body – MP3

Your Beautiful, Healthy and Youthful Body – MP3

14,99 $

Program yourself to enjoy and love your naturally beautiful & healthy body

  • rejuvenate your cells

  • naturally stabilize your weight

  • reset the so-called “set weight mark” in your brain

  • improve your health 

  • change the shape of your body without obsessive dieting or excessive exercising

  • let yourself relax when you need it

Our Bodies were designed to remain naturally beautiful, healthy and youthful, and we were meant to enjoy them that way during our entire lifetime.

The ancient cultures knew that and developed specific tools to affect their subconscious, in order to enjoy the Body they wanted: healthy, beautiful and youthful.

Johanna Kern had the privilege of learning the wisdom of the ancient teachings which explained our “reality” thousands of years ago, long before modern science, which is only now, in the last hundred years, slowly discovering the truths taught by the old Masters.

With the use of the techniques of the ancient Masters for reprogramming subconscious, Theta and Alpha frequencies and a special program designed by transformational teacher Johanna Kern – this recording will help your body attain and maintain its natural health, strength, beauty, and weight.

Listen to Track # 1 – INTRODUCTION 8:03 min. (LISTEN ANYTIME, ANYWHERE):



Track # 2 contains powerful guided meditation, messages for programming your subconscious, and Theta and Alpha frequencies to help you rewire the neural pathways in your brain. It will put you in a deep relaxation state.  It is also perfect to listen while sleeping or meditating.  


Music by: Patrick Kern

MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

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It is enough to relax, listen to this recording on a daily basis, and observe the changes happening in your body:

Johanna Kern, award-winning author, filmmaker and transformational teacher, has extensive experience in counseling people on health and emotional problems, relationships and family issues, life and career paths, and spirituality.

Drawing from her experience and knowledge from over 20 years of helping people with various health and emotional problems – Johanna Kern has designed a series of recordings to help you keep your body in excellent shape: maintaining good health, appropriate weight, youthfulness, and overall well-being. 

This recording is based on her successful method for reprogramming subconscious and published in her award-winning book “365 (+1) Affirmations to Create a Great Life”. It will help you to naturally improve your health, change the shape of your body and stabilize your weight via resetting the so-called “set weight mark” in your brain (which allows for avoiding the “yo-yo effect”).

Track 1 – Introduction (8:03 min.) ANYTIME, ANYWHERE


Track 2 – Programming your subconscious for the body you want (43:35 min). This track contains Theta and Alpha frequencies to help you rewire the neural pathways in your brain. USE HEADPHONES

Running Time: 54 minutes

Music by: Patrick Kern

MP3 regular price: US$ 19,99  

NOW ONLY: US$ 14,99

It is your birthright to enjoy your naturally beautiful, healthy & youthful body. 

Now it’s time to claim what’s yours.

MP3s by Johanna Kern

MP3s by Johanna Kern
